Since 2012, Temps Zero has matched emerging photographers and cutting-edge music, creating
“a sonic and visual experience” that has popped up in Paris, Berlin, Athens, Rome, and many more.
No two performances are alike.

Temps Zero is simultaneously a sonic & visual experience, a musical & pictorial journey
in which still and moving images from a group of chosen photographers and filmmakers,
are mounted and screened together with field recordings and sound art performances. (…)
Those mostly black and white heavy textured analog images give me a chance to sense a pause
in judgement, a sober let go into a sensorial experience, a trance of seeing and hearing at the same
time without knowing where and when, and without having the possibility as a viewer/listener
to scrutinize my premonitions. With an immediate association to the late 60s experimental
magazine Provoke, Temps Zero pictures free verse of a very empathetic today.
(in REVISTA ARTA by Jasmina Al-Qaisi)

The Temps Zero collective shows the way that they use images and sounds to look deeper
into the intimacy of existence. Their events are collections of perspectives full of sensitivity,
signs and echoes of the present. They have done many exhibitions, performances,
workshops and publications. Temps Zero gathers artists who share a personal approach,
focused less on context and more on the feeling at the core of their subjects.
(in SCENA 9 by Ioana Cîrlig)

Nous diffusons une création qui questionne l’existence par des échos et des signaux sensibles
du temps présent (L’INTERVALLE / interview de Stéphane Charpentier par Fabien Ribery)

Leur photographie est de l’ordre de la transcendance du réel : ces artistes le transfigurent et nous
transportent avec eux. Leurs images sont des visions, parfois convulsives et vacillantes, toujours
frémissantes et contagieuses d’émotion et d’expériences sensibles. Ils sont réunis par une même
résistance poétique face au monde, chacun développant un langage sensible, épidermique
parfois et une pratique subjective de la photographie. Leurs images sont pulsionnelles,
emplies d’une exaltation vitale qui semblent déborder.
(dans 9 LIVES MAGAZINE par Caroline Benichou)

The longer I look at it, the more the depth in the portrait really feels, the more tangible it becomes.
The mysterious tones are hypnotizing. The addition of sound clips to a still image can either work
very well or add very little. But while I’m in space, I discover how much impression the ‘soundtracks’
have on my visual imagination, and how my perception of the different images is completely changed.
Especially in the moments where the sound and the image tell two other stories, a beautiful space
opens up for interpretation.
(in Kunst Spot, by Michiel Teeuw)
